Player information: Rachel Davey (2008 - 2009 season)

Listed below are details for Rachel Davey who has yet to play in a match during the 2024 - 25 season:

Personal information
Club Crowthorne
  •  Rachel Davey  Rachel Davey
    Rachel Davey, Crowthorne
ECF rating code 246204H
ECF membership code
Standard-play rating Not yet available
Rapid-play rating Not yet available
National Federation en.png
SBL first registered 00-00-0000
SBL registration status Yes
2009-10 season 1 match
2008-9 season 7 matches
2007-8 season 1 match
2008 - 2009 season performance statistics
Date Match Division Type SP/RP Opponent Board Result
22-09-2008 Guildford E vs Crowthorne C 4 Online SP Jack Laurence s1390* five win
13-10-2008 Crowthorne D vs Guildford F 5 Online SP Kristian Sheglova es45? four win
03-11-2008 Crowthorne D vs Wellington College B 5 Online SP David P Lee s?? three win
17-11-2008 Crowthorne D vs Basingstoke B 5 Online SP Alan S Willis s1613E three win
08-12-2008 Crowthorne C vs Fleet & Farnborough C 4 Online SP Dennis Parkinson s1323E five win
16-03-2009 Crowthorne D vs Godalming C 5 Online SP Paul Sharland s?? three loss
24-03-2009 Camberley D vs Crowthorne C 4 Online SP David Thomas s1765E four loss
Performance summary for 2008 - 2009 season
Number of standard-play games: 7
Standard-play performance:  +5  =0  -2  = 71.4%  (with all games completed)