Player information: Harvey Murray-Smith (2005 - 2006 season)

Listed below are details for Harvey Murray-Smith who has yet to play in a match during the 2024 - 25 season:

Personal information
Club Ashtead
  •  Harvey Murray-Smith  Harvey Murray-Smith
    Harvey Murray-Smith, Ashtead
ECF rating code 151510L
ECF membership code
Standard-play rating 1491, E
Rapid-play rating 1488, *
National Federation en.png
SBL first registered 00-00-0000
SBL registration status Yes
2011-12 season 3 matches
2009-10 season 2 matches
2008-9 season 5 matches
2007-8 season 13 matches
2006-7 season 10 matches
2005-6 season 1 match
2005 - 2006 season performance statistics
Date Match Division Type SP/RP Opponent Board Result
10-01-2006 Ashtead A vs Godalming B 5 Online SP David J Archer s1420B four draw
Performance summary for 2005 - 2006 season
Number of standard-play games: 1
Standard-play performance:  +0  =1  -0  = 50%  (with all games completed)