Player information: Edward Hargreaves (2023 - 2024 season)

Listed below are details for Edward Hargreaves who has played in twenty-two matches during the 2023 - 2024 season:

Personal information
Club Woking
ECF rating code 304386B
ECF membership code ME004634
ECF membership expires August
ECF membership category Gold
Standard-play rating 1668, K
Rapid-play rating Not yet available
National Federation en.png
SBL first registered 20-11-2016
SBL registration status Yes
All season(s) summary
season match(es)
2024-25 season 8 matches
2023-24 season 22 matches
2022-23 season 13 matches
2021-22 season 11 matches
2019-20 season 16 matches
2018-19 season 16 matches
2017-18 season 13 matches
2016-17 season 5 matches
2023 - 2024 season performance statistics
Date Match Division Type SP/RP Opponent Board Result
28-09-2023 Woking C vs Guildford E 5 OTB SP Rory Davies s1627K one loss
02-10-2023 Fleet & Farnborough A vs Woking A 3 OTB SP Lee Savill s1553K five win
12-10-2023 Woking B vs Camberley B 4 OTB SP Tim Bland s1356P three draw
19-10-2023 Woking A vs Guildford C 3 OTB SP Darius Kvitnickas s1695K five draw
30-10-2023 Guildford D vs Woking B 4 OTB SP David Carpenter s1664K three loss
08-11-2023 Basingstoke A vs Woking C 5 OTB SP Megan Birch s1523K one win
16-11-2023 Woking B vs Godalming B 4 OTB SP Iain Reeve s1692K three draw
30-11-2023 Woking BA vs Camberley BA Bell Trophy OTB SP James Roberts s1607K four win
07-12-2023 Farnham D vs Woking C 5 OTB SP James Pothecary s1700K one loss
04-01-2024 Woking A vs Godalming A 3 OTB SP Paul S Collis s1511A five loss
17-01-2024 Crowthorne B vs Woking B 4 OTB SP Robert G Page s1659K three loss
08-02-2024 Camberley B vs Woking B 4 OTB SP Robert Smith s1568K two draw
15-02-2024 Woking B vs Guildford D 4 OTB SP Neil Crosswell s1752K one loss
19-02-2024 Guildford E vs Woking C 5 OTB SP Rory Davies s1627K one draw
29-02-2024 Woking BA vs Guildford BA Bell Trophy OTB SP David Carpenter s1664K four loss
11-03-2024 Guildford C vs Woking A 3 OTB SP Rob Merriman s1795K five loss
03-04-2024 Godalming B vs Woking B 4 OTB SP Iain Reeve s1692K two draw
11-04-2024 Woking A vs Farnham C 3 OTB SP Jonathan G Young s1608K five draw
24-04-2024 Godalming A vs Woking A 3 OTB SP Henry Blackwell es1777? four loss
02-05-2024 Farnham C vs Woking A 3 OTB SP Malcolm H Cooper s1821A two draw
09-05-2024 Woking B vs Crowthorne B 4 OTB SP Zak Javellana-Jones s1853K one loss
13-05-2024 Epsom BA vs Woking BA Bell Trophy OTB SP Sachin Kumar s1586A four loss
Performance summary for 2023 - 2024 season
Number of standard-play games: 22
Standard-play performance:  +3  =8  -11  = 31.8%  (with all games completed)