More about Crowthorne Club

Use the main entrance through the gates into Byron Drive from Duke’s Ride (Wellington College is signposted). We have had reports that Sat Navs sometimes attempt to use other entrances, but usually only the Duke’s Ride one is open in the evening. There is now a security barrier in operation just inside the gates. If attended, just let the security officer know that you are playing at the chess club, and you will be let through. To reach the Shooting Hut you must follow the red route shown on the map. Please do not attempt to drive to the Sports Club car park and on to the Monro Pavilion and beyond, even though this is the most direct route, as that will involve driving the wrong way along a one-way road. Instead, after passing the security gate, take the second road on the right towards the near corner of the main College building. At the roundabout take the second exit. At the next elongated roundabout take the last but one exit (see map). Where the road branches take the right branch, past the Health Centre building, then take the road off to the right, which should lead you past the Monro Pavilion. Follow this road as it curves left and right. This road is fairly dark and narrow – be prepared to drive carefully when passing oncoming cars. The road opens out into a wider space with parking on either side of a fenced off court. Park here. The Shooting Hut is slightly beyond this on the right. Please note that the Shooting Hut is not the same as the Shooting Lodge that is mentioned on the Wellington College website (the latter is based in Bisley, whereas the chess club venue is on the Wellington College campus in Crowthorne).

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